Feb 8Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Oh this is wonderful Jenna! I really love your words on the Thread. I had not thought it to be a guide back to our core truth, back to our vision or deepest REAL. I, until now saw the thread as a binding shackle. And while sometimes it can be, other times it is a guiding light, a way forward, a safety link.

And our threads can be frayed and broken and torn, and whole and magical and connected. And as you mentioned it IS like a tapestry...for our thread affects the WHOLE of the greater picture. How we treat our thread is also important too, isn't it? To care for our thread, to respect it, to tend it...to that it can be both strong and gentle, soft and supportive.

Oh how I love this ...THANK YOU x

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Sam, you always add something so beautiful here! I love that you mentioned caring for our thread, tending it. This is so perfect. We are in relationship with it after all (just as we are with everything). How we show up as stewards of our relationships might be the ultimate source of meaning. Thank you for this! ❤️

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Feb 6Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

I just found this old Native American story told by Michael Meade. I am continually amazed at all the threads I am finding now, many through the weavers of the future I am finding here on Substack. I love the hope this thread story offers for our future.

So, here's to us, searching for and gathering threads to weave the world anew.

"As she pulls thread after thread from the chaotic mess, she begins again to imagine the most beautiful garment in the whole world. As she weaves, new visions and elegant designs (beyond what preceeded them) appear before her and her old hands begin to knowingly give them vibrant shape."


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Oh my goodness, Marie, I love this! I didn't know this story of the old woman weaving in a cave. As I was reading it and I got to the part where the dog unraveled her work, I said out loud, "What a dick." Lol. But then as I kept reading, I realized every player in the story has its role of course. Even the act of stirring up the soup could be seen as unpleasant to the nice and settled soup, but it is preventing it from being scorched. There are so many delightful layers to this tale! I'm going to be sitting with it for quite some time. Thank you SO much for sharing this! ❤️🤗

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Feb 7Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

There are so many things (people, corporations, governments) that fit the black dog role, and yes, many of them act like dicks! The story was a wonderfull reminder to keep searching for the threads that will re-weave the world.

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Feb 6Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Mercury is having a "meeting of the minds" with Pluto this week and just about all the messages have been along the theme of deep conversations and Real Talk, so this slots nicely into the theme.

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Thank you, Victoria! I'd like to be a fly on the wall at that meeting! (I wonder if Mercury would let Pluto get a word in edgewise.) Those feel like two really powerful forces coming together.

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I love the "Thread" archetype. I have worked with the "red thread" in my own life, its a powerful transmission. And with the 5ofS here, what an interesting combo. Jenna, I love how you brought it to the Minotaur has now been slayed, the next choice is crucial. Stay imprisoned or follow the thread out. For me this means let go of my concepts of success and find true success by heeding the call of life. Navigating each step through deep listening. Being with what is here right now!

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This right here..."let go of my concepts of success and find true success by heeding the call of life. Navigating each step through deep listening. Being with what is here right now!" ❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE this! I was just replying to Louise's comment about 'shoulds' and what you say here answers that so perfectly. Heed the call of life. Oh my gosh, that's beautiful. The Thread as the call of life. I really love that. Thank you for your wisdom here!

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Feb 5Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

Oh this is an interesting one Jenna! I feel as though I am being called back to what is purposeful, rather than what I feel I should be doing. In fact as I'm writing I can feel a pull on my collar back to the most sacred of paths, not the one most trodden. I will definitely be focusing on that this week. Thank you!

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Thank you so much, Louise! I struggle with this too. Sometimes it's hard for me to untangle all the shoulds with true purpose. But just as you say here, it's the sacred path that will help me see the difference. ❤️

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Feb 5Liked by Jenna Newell Hiott

This might have come at the perfect moment for me - I've just had a slight breakthrough about a path forward, and it had to do, very appropriately, with setting aside all those extra swords, all those possibilities and thoughts clogging up and confusing the next step, and trusting that I have the ability to make good choices. Thanks for the reminder, Jenna!

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Ooooh, I love this, Troy! Cheers to your breakthrough. I keep finding that self-trust is at the core of fulfillment. (And it's amazing how far off that path I can get at times.) Your comment about those extra swords clogging things up is very clarifying to me. When I get into those mind loops, I can use that as an indication that I'm not trusting myself. Very insightful. Thank you!

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